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Andreea Perlanovschi

psychologist, psychotherapist

My name is Andreea Perlanovschi. I am a psychologist, certified psychotherapist and personal development trainer. I obtained my master's degree in psychology from  Institute of Psychology of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. I expanded my psychological knowledge as part of a one-year scholarship at the French Universyté de Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens and a postgraduate course in art therapy at the Polish Ericksonian Institute in Łódź. I completed a four-year comprehensive training in psychotherapy at the School of Trainers and Psychotherapists of the Gestalt Institute in Krakow, accredited by EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) and EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy).

I have gained professional experience, among others in the Clinical Psychiatric Ward of the 5th Military Clinical Hospital in Krakow, the Day Therapeutic Center for Youth of the Central Teaching Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz, the Department of Youth Psychiatry of the Central Teaching Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz, the Department of Affective Disorders of the Central Teaching Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz, POMOST Health Clinic .

My therapeutic work is based mainly on building the relationship "me and you" in an atmosphere of trust, discretion, security, in the "here and now". The therapeutic relationship and dialogue enable awareness, understanding and changes in the ways of functioning.  In my work, I also draw inspiration from psychoanalytical and psychodynamic thought.

I run individual short-term and long-term psychotherapy, couple psychotherapy and group psychotherapy in Polish and English. My work is systematically supervised by a certified supervisor. I work in accordance with professional ethics, the principles of which are contained in the Code of Ethics of the European Gestalt Therapy Association.


The profession of a psychologist / psychotherapist is also my passion. I am fascinated by the world of other people, creative possibilities of self-realization, knowledge, understanding myself and the surrounding world, the way to find balance in my own body, while experiencing and expressing my emotions, thoughts, perceptions and desires.  

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Andreea Perlanovschi
Psycholog Łódź
Psycholog Lodz
Łódź Psychoterapia
Lodz Psychoterapia
Psychoterapia Łódź
Psychoterapia Lodz
psychoterapia lodz
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